Konggaard ApS kan med glæde meddele, at virksomheden har købt Scandinavian Bike Tech. Denne strategiske beslutning markerer en vigtig milepæl for Konggaard og vil styrke begge virksomheders position i markedet.
"Med overtagelsen af Scandinavian Bike Tech, ser vi stor styrke i at kunne tilbyde vores kunder en endnu bedre service og ser stor synergi i de to virksomheder," udtaler Klaus Nielsen CEO hos Konggaard ApS.
Servicecenter-aftalen med Cannondale for Danmark, Sverige og Finland fortsætter uændret.
Stifter af Scandinavian Bike Tech Thomas Aarrup Jensen udtaler ”Jeg har igennem længere tid fulgt den positive udvikling i Konggaard og ser dem som det oplagte valg til at fortsætte driften af mit hjertebarn”. Thomas vil fortsat være tilknyttet virksomheden på konsulentbasis.
Efter overtagelsen vil Scandinavian Bike Tech fortsætte som selvstændigt selskab, men have et nyt CVR-nummer og ny adresse. Scandinavian Bike Tech er de første til at indtage Konggaards nye domicil på Pottemagervej 5, 7100 Vejle.
Konggaard ApS is pleased to announce the acquisition of Scandinavian Bike Tech. This strategic decision marks an important milestone for both companies and will strengthen their positions in the market.
"With the acquisition of Scandinavian Bike Tech, we see great strength in being able to offer our customers an even better service and significant synergy between the two companies," says Klaus Nielsen CEO of Konggaard ApS.
The service center agreement with Cannondale for Denmark, Sweden, and Finland remains unchanged.
Founder of Scandinavian Bike Tech, Thomas Aarrup Jensen, states, "I have been following the positive development at Konggaard for some time and see them as the obvious choice to continue the operation of my passion project." Thomas will continue to be associated with the company in a consulting capacity.
Following the acquisition, Scandinavian Bike Tech will continue as an independent company, but with a new VAT number and new address. Scandinavian Bike Tech will be the first to occupy Konggaard's new premises at Pottemagervej 5, 7100 Vejle.
For further information, please contact:
Scandinavian Bike Tech ApS
Pottemagervej 5, 7100 Vejle
CVR: 44584174
Email: info@scandinavianbiketech.com
Phone: +45 88626818
Konggaard ApS
Pottemagervej 5 7100 Vejle
CVR: 26988535
Email: sales@konggaard.dk
Phone: +45 87223306
Konggaard fra Odense (DK) er en high-end cykel- og livsstilsprodukt distributør, vi er distributør af mærker som; Factor, Black Inc., Spatzwear, FSA, Prologo, Willing Able, 6d Sports Nutrition, QM Sports Care, Wolfpack merchandise, Challenge, UDOG og Xtreme Teamwear.